Any IT Professional can use swords to feel less stressed and frustrated

 Instead of trying to read through another boring professional development book or accidentally falling down an online rabbit hole (again)

Why not pick up a sword and stop feeling so pressured and stuck in your head?

Download our FREE video and get your brain to STFU now!

FREE Video

Stress Slayer 1.0

Everything you need to start playing with swords and stop stress

( nope - you don’t need an “official” sword to get started )

In this video you will:

  • Identify and Equip your practice sword - you have one, we promise!

  • Learn introductory elements from the Lumina open source sword choreography system so that you can feel confident moving with a sword or lightsaber from Day 1.

  • Reboot your mind as you follow along with a sword exercise crafted to change your brain functioning within minutes