Yep, we’re nerds!

Medieval swords and lightsabers in the same shot? Heck, yes. Why not?

We’re a fun mix too.

Bryan’s an experienced sword fighting instructor, and Jenn has a background in sword choreography.

And, of course, we both love tabletop and computer gaming!

 In the Mundane World

Bryan is a deep-fried, heavily seasoned I.T. Manager who promoted up through the technical ranks. He’s passionate about mentorship and wants to provide the resources and supports he wishes he’d had to other tech professionals.

Jenn is a mental health therapist who wants to do more about the lack of sub-clinical resources and support available to people in tech (aka the stuff that works but isn’t therapy). She figures - Why wait until people need treatment to make their lives better? And why not use the powers of fun, activity, and peer collaboration to make a difference?